Valentines for veterans


To express their gratitude to those who’ve served in the military, the fifth-grade class at Howard T. Herber Middle School made Valentine’s Day cards for hospitalized veterans.

Using construction paper, glitter, markers and, most importantly, well-chosen words, the fifth-graders made more than 100 Valentine’s Day cards to thank military personnel for their service and to wish them full and speedy recoveries.

The students assembled to present the cards to Town of Hempstead Councilman James Darcy, who will help distribute them to area vets.

During the assembly, Darcy expressed his gratitude to the fifth-graders: “Thank you so much for participating each year in this program,” he said. “I was lucky enough last year to be able to meet some of these brave soldiers. I wish you all could see their eyes light up when they read your cards. You have no idea how much this means to them.”