School news

Bubbles, bracelets and basketball for Bubba

Marion Street students raise money and awareness for physically-challenged children


To observe Physical Disabilities Month, the entire student body of Lynbrook’s Marion Street School adopted the Bubba Fund, a not-for-profit organization that is dedicated to supporting programs that promote the growth and independence of physically challenged children.

In 1989, Scott “Bubba” Pollack was born without arms and with malformed legs, but he worked with what he had, learning to do everything, including eating, typing writing and playing basketball with his feet. His parents formed the Bubba Fund to memorialize his courage and to help others with physical disabilities lead rewarding lives.

The students of Marion Street decided to join forces to support the Bubba Fund to help other physically challenged children. Students came up with some creative ideas to raise money and to help others learn from Scott’s example. They stocked the school store with Bubba Bracelets emblazoned with his motto, “Failure Is Not an Option.” Since Scott loved to play basketball, they also organized a Baskets for Bubba Basketball tournament to raise money for the cause. At another fundraising event, named Bubbles for Bubba, for a small donation, participants joined on the school field to blow bubbles and make a special wish.

Using the district’s Second Step character education program, teachers have also been working with students to raise awareness about the importance of accepting differences and reaching out to help others.

“One of the greatest lessons our students have gained from this project is that we’re all unique with unique challenges to face,” said Principal Barbara Moore. “By developing greater appreciation for each other’s differences, they’ve also come to understand how much we all have in common, no matter how different we may look on the outside.”