Oyster Bay-East Norwich fourth graders from James H. Vernon School showcased their knowledge of the American Revolution through a group project which they presented to family members on March 22.
Some fourth grade classes created games which family members had fun playing, from Wheel of Fortune to Deal or No Deal. The students worked in groups and created these games to test others on American Revolution facts. Other classes created their own dioramas, slideshows and posterboards and presented on one topic about this important time in history.
Aside from the group projects, each fourth grader also completed a bottle buddy project where they crafted an important individual from the American Revolution out of a bottle. Students created notable figures such as Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, John Hancock and Paul Revere. The projects were proudly on display outside the fourth grade classrooms for families to view.
Both projects allowed students to express their creativity and dive deep into the fourth grade American Revolution unit.